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1621 products displayed

Ref-SKU Type Product Description ICTV Taxonomy Virus name Strain Isolate Product Grading Availability Product Risk Group Provider Cost per Access (Academics) More info Add to Cart
024A-05742 Antibody or Hybridoma Menangle virus N protein antiserum Menangle virus N protein antiserum (Rabbit) Menangle pararubulavirus Menangle virus Bronze In stock No RG CSIRO 300€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
024A-05743 Antibody or Hybridoma Nelson Bay virus mu (μ) protein antiserum Nelson Bay virus mu (μ) protein antiserum (Rabbit #672) Nelson Bay orthoreovirus Nelson Bay virus Bronze In stock No RG CSIRO 350€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
024A-05745 Antibody or Hybridoma Nelson Bay virus sigma (σ) protein antiserum Nelson Bay virus sigma (σ) protein antiserum (Rabbit #658) Nelson Bay orthoreovirus Nelson Bay virus Bronze In stock No RG CSIRO 350€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
024A-05744 Antibody or Hybridoma Nelson Bay virus lambda (λ) protein antiserum Nelson Bay virus lambda (λ) protein antiserum (Rabbit #661) Nelson Bay orthoreovirus Nelson Bay virus Bronze In stock No RG CSIRO 350€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
024A-05746 Antibody or Hybridoma Nipah virus G protein antiserum Nipah virus G protein antiserum (Rabbit #612) Nipah henipavirus Nipah virus Bronze In stock No RG CSIRO 350€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
024A-05747 Antibody or Hybridoma Nipah virus N protein antiserum Nipah virus N protein antiserum (Rabbit #366) Nipah henipavirus Nipah virus Bronze In stock No RG CSIRO 300€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
024A-05748 Antibody or Hybridoma Orbivirus NS2 protein antiserum Pan-orbivirus NS2 antiserum (Rabbit #17) Orbivirus Orbivirus Bronze In stock No RG CSIRO 350€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
025V-05679 Virus Mammalian Orthoreovirus isolate 21DIAPD41049-3 isolated from faecal sample of a cat, collected in 2021 in Italy (Veneto) Mammalian Othoreovirus isolate 21DIAPD41049-3 isolated from faecal sample of a cat, collected in 2021 in Italy (Veneto) Reoviridae, Spinareovirinae, Mammalian orthoreovirus 21DIAPD41049-3 21DIAPD41049-3 Platinum In stock RG2 IZSVe 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
025V-05680 Virus Mammalian Orthoreovirus isolate 21DIAPD41051-3 isolated from faecal sample of a cat, collected in 2021 in Italy (Veneto) Mammalian Othoreovirus isolate 21DIAPD41051-3 isolated from faecal sample of a cat, collected in 2021 in Italy (Veneto) Reoviridae, Spinareovirinae, Mammalian orthoreovirus 21DIAPD41051-3 21DIAPD41051-3 Platinum In stock RG2 IZSVe 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
025V-05681 Virus Mammalian Orthoreovirus isolate 21DIAPD41117-3 isolated from faecal sample of a cat, collected in 2021 in Italy (Veneto) Mammalian Othoreovirus isolate 21DIAPD41117-3 isolated from faecal sample of a cat, collected in 2021 in Italy (Veneto) Reoviridae, Spinareovirinae, Mammalian orthoreovirus 21DIAPD41117-3 21DIAPD41117-3 Platinum In stock RG2 IZSVe 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
025V-05682 Virus Mammalian Orthoreovirus isolate 21DIAPD41162-3 isolated from faecal sample of a cat, collected in 2021 in Italy (Veneto) Mammalian Othoreovirus isolate 21DIAPD41162-3 isolated from faecal sample of a cat, collected in 2021 in Italy (Veneto) Reoviridae, Spinareovirinae, Mammalian orthoreovirus 21DIAPD41162-3 21DIAPD41162-3 Platinum In stock RG2 IZSVe 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
003V-02544 Virus Live pdmH1N1 swine influenza virus, A/swine/England/1353/2009 Live, frozen pdmH1N1 swine influenza virus, A/swine/England/1353/2009. Infected allantoic fluid stored at -80oC. Influenza A virus A/swine/England/1353/2009 pdmH1N1 A/swine/England/1353/2009 Silver Available within 4 weeks RG2 DEFRA 2,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
006S-05714 Service In vivo virus production of an uncultivable tick-borne virus in castor bean ticks nymphs (Ixodes ricinus) The end-user provided virus (e.g. as a tick homogenate) will be used to experimentally infect castor bean tick nymphs (Ixodes ricinus). The nymphs will be infected by micro-capillary inoculation into the coxal plate of the second pair of legs (transcoxal infection) using a digital microinjector system. First, 100 nymphs will be used for evaluation of the virus replication dynamics. Based on the obtained results, tick-derived virus stock will be generated from an additional 100 nymphs and provided to the end-user. Viruses Any virus Upon request RG3 BMC-SAS 14,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
006S-05713 Service In vivo virus production of an uncultivable tick-borne virus in adult castor bean ticks (Ixodes ricinus) The end-user provided virus (e.g. as a tick homogenate) will be used to experimentally infect adult castor bean ticks (Ixodes ricinus). The ticks will be infected by micro-capillary inoculation into the coxal plate of the second pair of legs (transcoxal infection) using a digital microinjector system. First, 100 ticks will be used for evaluation of the virus replication dynamics. Based on the obtained results, tick-derived virus stock will be generated from an additional 100 ticks and provided to the end-user. Viruses Any virus Upon request RG3 BMC-SAS 14,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
006B-05712 Bundle Bundle of freeze-dried tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) isolates representing the diversity of the virus in Central Europe Bundle of freeze-dried tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) isolates representing the diversity of the virus in Central Europe and covering various isolation sources (tick, rodent, milk). Tick-borne encephalitis virus Tick borne encephalitis virus, Tick-borne encephalitis virus Hypr | H122 | Clg223 | A 104 | 114 | 285 | village Hradiste, district Poltar, South East Slovakia | TBEV-milk 8184 | TBEV-milk 8440 | In stock RG3 BMC-SAS 16,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001K-05702 Detection Kit Encapsidated RNA corresponding to the sequence of the G2 protein and S segment from Rift Valley Fever virus The lyophilized, non infectious, encapsidated RNA (Armored RNA) contains the sequence of the G2 protein and S segment from Rift Valley Fever virus and can be used as positive control for extraction and real time RT-PCR. Extraction is mandatory before use in real time RT-PCR. Packaged for 100 Rxns, for RUO (Research Use Only). SOPs in the attached pdf. Phlebovirus Rift Valley fever virus In stock No RG AMU 200€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001K-05701 Detection Kit Encapsidated RNA corresponding to the sequence of the Helicase region from Tick borne encephalitis virus The lyophilized, non infectious, encapsidated RNA (Armored RNA) contains the sequence of the Helicase region from Tick borne encephalitis virus and can be used as positive control for extraction and real time RT-PCR. Extraction is mandatory before use in real time RT-PCR. Packaged for 100 Rxns, for RUO (Research Use Only). SOPs in the attached pdf. Flavivirus Tick borne encephalitis virus In stock No RG AMU 200€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001K-05700 Detection Kit Encapsidated RNA corresponding to the sequence of the 3'UTR region from Usutu virus The lyophilized, non infectious, encapsidated RNA (Armored RNA) contains the sequence of the 3'UTR region from Usutu virus and can be used as positive control for extraction and real time RT-PCR. Extraction is mandatory before use in real time RT-PCR. Packaged for 100 Rxns, for RUO (Research Use Only). SOPs in the attached pdf. Usutu virus Usutu virus In stock No RG AMU 200€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001K-05704 Detection Kit Encapsidated RNA corresponding to the sequence of the L region from Crimean congo hemorrhagic fever virus The lyophilized, non infectious, encapsidated RNA (Armored RNA) contains the sequence of the L region from Crimean congo hemorrhagic fever virus and can be used as positive control for extraction and real time RT-PCR. Extraction is mandatory before use in real time RT-PCR. Packaged for 100 Rxns, for RUO (Research Use Only). SOPs in the attached pdf. Orthonairovirus Crimean congo hemorrhagic fever virus In stock No RG AMU 200€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001K-05703 Detection Kit Encapsidated RNA corresponding to the sequence of the NP region from Crimean congo hemorrhagic fever virus The lyophilized, non infectious, encapsidated RNA (Armored RNA) contains the sequence of the NP region from Crimean congo hemorrhagic fever virus and can be used as positive control for extraction and real time RT-PCR. Extraction is mandatory before use in real time RT-PCR. Packaged for 100 Rxns, for RUO (Research Use Only). SOPs in the attached pdf. Orthonairovirus Crimean congo hemorrhagic fever virus In stock No RG AMU 200€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001K-05699 Detection Kit Lyophilized Primers and Probe for detection of L gene of CCHF Virus (Taqman) Lyophilized ready-to-use primers and probe (Lyoph-P&P, 96 rxns in the form of 24x4 rxns) for real time RT-PCR of L gene of Crimean congo hemorrhagic fever Virus (Taqman) SOPs in the attached pdf. Disclaimer: This product does not contain the polymerase. For RUO (research use only). Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever orthonairovirus Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus In stock No RG AMU 345€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001K-05698 Detection Kit Lyophilized Primers and Probe for detection of NP gene of CCHF Virus (Taqman) Lyophilized ready-to-use primers and probe (Lyoph-P&P, 96 rxns in the form of 24x4 rxns) for real time RT-PCR of NP gene of Crimean congo hemorrhagic fever Virus (Taqman) SOPs in the attached pdf. Disclaimer: This product does not contain the polymerase. For RUO (research use only). Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever orthonairovirus Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus In stock No RG AMU 345€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001K-05697 Detection Kit Lyophilized Primers and Probe for detection of Rift Valley Fever virus (Taqman) Lyophilized ready-to-use primers and probe (Lyoph-P&P, 96 rxns in the form of 24x4 rxns) for real time RT-PCR of Rift Valley Fever virus (Taqman) SOPs in the attached pdf. Disclaimer: This product does not contain the polymerase. For RUO (research use only). Phlebovirus Rift Valley fever virus In stock No RG AMU 345€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001K-05696 Detection Kit Lyophilized Primers and Probe for detection of tick borne encephalitis virus (Taqman) Lyophilized ready-to-use primers and probe (Lyoph-P&P, 96 rxns in the form of 24x4 rxns) for real time RT-PCR of tick borne encephalitis virus (Taqman) SOPs in the attached pdf. Disclaimer: This product does not contain the polymerase. For RUO (research use only). Flavivirus Tick borne encephalitis virus In stock No RG AMU 345€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001K-05695 Detection Kit Lyophilized Primers and Probe for detection of Usutu virus (Taqman) Lyophilized ready-to-use primers and probe (Lyoph-P&P, 96 rxns in the form of 24x4 rxns) for real time RT-PCR of Usutu virus (Taqman) SOPs in the attached pdf. Disclaimer: This product does not contain the polymerase. For RUO (research use only). Usutu virus Usutu virus In stock No RG AMU 345€ View all details on this product . . .
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