- Tagged as
- - In Vitro Transcript
- - Diagnostic reagent
- - Derived product
- - Nucleic Acid
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: CUB Shipping From
: Berlin - DE
Product Description
026N-03866 In vitro transcribed RNA for Wuhan coronavirus (2019-nCoV) real time (RT-)PCR targeting region of the E gene .
Protocol and preliminary evaluation for this assays (Corman/Drosten 2020), as of Jan 13, 2020, available from:
Ref: https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045
Product Risk Group:
Information on the related virus
ICTV Taxonomy:
Virus name:
Cloned Product: No
Can it be used to produce GMO:
Fully sequenced
Sequence checked:
No mutation compared to the reference sequence
Genbank reference:
Identification technique:
Nucleic Acid preparation technique:
Cloning of target region followed by T7-driven in vitro transcription using MEGAscript (Asuragen, Lifetech). RNA was subsequently purified by QIAGEN RNeasy kit.
1e5 copies / µl
Storage conditions:
Nuclease-Free Water -80C
Shipping conditions:
IATA Classification:
Virus host type:
Protocol and preliminary evaluation for this assays (Corman/Drosten 2020), as of Jan 23, 2020, available from https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045
Information about the origin of the product
Biological material origin:
Synthetic origin
Modifications from the reference sequence(s):
The sequence(s) of this synthetic product has NOT been modified from the sequence listing provided as Genbank references
Comments (2)
We expect to get this reagent for laboratory diagnosis purpose and control of this disease.
Thank you all for your interest in the Diagnostic controls for Wuhan coronavirus / nCoV-2019.
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