Product Description
006N-01921 Recombinant HIV-1 virus with the indicated mutations in the protease gene. Mutations have been reported from drug resistant viral variants emerging in vivo, e.g. after treatment with the HIV protease inhibitor saquinavir
Product Risk Group:
Information on the related virus
ICTV Taxonomy:
Virus name:
Cloned Product: Yes
Special feature:
Can it be used to produce GMO:
Biosafety restrictions:
Plasmid DNA itself is not infectious unless transfected into suitable cells; will produce live HIV-1 after DNA-transfection of human/mammalian cells
Region encompassed in this Product:
entired virus genome
Plasmid selection:
Fully sequenced
Sequence checked:
Contain mutations (no frameshift, no unexpected STOP codon)
Observed mutations:
The virus genome is derived from pNL-NF (pNL4-3 with shortened cellular flank) (
mutations as indicated in the name; backbone is NL-BX.
A unique BamHI site was introduced 5’ of protease (ggagcc2207ggaTcc; A->S in Pol; E->D in Gag) and an XmaI site 3’ of protease (ccagga2589ccCggG).
The original BamHI site as position 8465 was removed (GGATCC->GGATCA change silent in Env; L->S in Rev).
Other mutations as indicated in the product name.
Storage conditions:
TE Buffer -20C
Shipping conditions:
IATA Classification:
Virus host type:
To show the resistance pattern to antiretroviral drugs caused by the mutations present in this viral clone, use e.g. the „mutations list analysis“ function of the public HIV-Grade site at:
Information about the origin of the product
Recombinant product:
This product is a recombinant product
Biological material origin:
Synthetic origin & Natural origin
Natural part identification: NL4-3
Natural part identification:
Genbank reference:
Collection date: BEFORE
Wednesday, 1 September, 2010
Country of collection:
Synthetic part identification: point mutations, 48Val and 90 Met in the viral protease
Synthetic part identification:
point mutations, 48Val and 90 Met in the viral protease
Modifications from the reference sequence(s):
The sequence(s) of this synthetic product has been modified from the sequence listing provided as Genbank references
Description of modification(s) made from the reference sequence(s):
PCR-based mutagenesis; carries the indicated mutation(s) in the target gene as shown in the product name