Access to the RII infrastructure - training course "Molecular diagnostic of influenza and ARVI" (10 days)

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: St Petersburg - RU
Product Description
020S-02180 Methods of diagnostic of influenza and ARVI. Algorithms of investigation. Organisation of a PCR lab. Collection and transport of samples. Biosafety in a PCR lab. Isolation of nucleic acids from nasal swabs (RNeasy MiniKit). Conservation of isolated nucleic acids. Reverse-transcription. One-step and two-step PCR.Criterions of the quality control of biological material (RNP). Real-time amplificators. Design of operational software. AmplySense influenza virus A/B and ARVI-screen. Treatment of wastes after PCR-diagnostics. Analysis of results of PCR. Desing of databases. Principles of sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Examples of analysis of phylogenetic trees.
Product Risk Group:
Information on the related virus
ICTV Taxonomy:
Virus name: