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This page lists the EVAg products having been categorized as "Bundle". The additional filters enable you with creating a sub-selection of items of this list. The search engine above will seek products into the complete catalogue.

27 products displayed

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
The in vitro transcribed RNA is the control for the first-line screening assay termed E gene assay. The SARS-CoV full virus RNA is required to control the two confirmatory assays. Dislaimer: Import permit maybe be needed in your country for the SARS-CoV full virus RNA. If yes, please indicate so in your online enquiry.
Unit: 1 x 100 µl for each product in this bundle

718,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Hamburg - DE
Genomic RNAs of Lassa virus isolates AV, Togo/2016/7082, Nig-CSF, Lib06-380 and Nig08-A37 extracted from cell culture supernatant
Unit: 5 vials (one vial per isolate) with 0.05 ml each
Virus name: 
AV | Togo/2016/7082 | CSF | Lib06-380 | Nig08-A37 |

2 500,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)