Arb 451 Oropouche virus strain IQT4083, TVP5315. Archival sample whose collection date is unknown. Awaiting sequencing as of 26/08/24. In theory is a cultivable virus but awaiting titre results.
Arb 450 Oropouche virus strain TRVL9760, TVP 14297. Archival sample of which the collection date is unknown. Awaiting whole genome sequencing as of 27/08/24. In theory is a cultivable virus but awaiting titre results.
Arb 449 Oropouche virus panama isolate strain ML 445252, TVP192552. Archival sample of which the collection date is unknown. Awaiting whole genome sequencing as of 27/08/24.
Archival sample of Arb 312 Mayaro virus isolated 19/01/1959, host unknown, country unknown. Live virus but unable to cultivate in Vero cells. Awaiting whole genome sequencing results (as of 23/08/24)
Live, frozen Rabies virus, RV2262 (Namibian Jackal). This Rabies virus is preserved under viral storage medium (-80oC). To confirm its identity the virus has been fully sequenced.
Live, frozen Rabies virus, RV1490 (Namibian Kudu). This Rabies virus is preserved under viral storage medium (-80oC). To confirm its identity the virus has been fully sequenced.
Live, frozen Silver Haired Bat Lyssavirus as a tissue culture supernatant. Isolate RV167. This Rabies virus [SHBV-RV167] is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C.
Live, frozen Rabies virus, RV1336 (Arc2a). This Rabies virus is preserved under viral storage medium (-80oC). Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were not performed.
Live, frozen Rabies Virus, RV1009 (Afr3b). This Rabies virus is preserved under viral storage medium (-80oC). Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were not performed.
Live, frozen Rabies Virus, RV995 (Afr3a). This Rabies virus is preserved under viral storage medium (-80oC). To confirm its identity the virus has been fully sequenced.
Live, frozen Ikoma Lyssavirus as a tissue culture supernatant. Isolate RV2508. This Lyssavirus [Ikoma Virus-RV2508] is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C. Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were not performed.
Duvenhage Virus. This Duvenhage virus[DUVV-RV131] is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C.Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were not performed. This virus has been fully sequenced.
Rabies Virus. This Rabies virus[RABV-RV108] is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C.Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were not performed. This virus has been fully sequenced.
Rabies Virus. This Rabies virus[RABV-RV437] is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C.Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were not performed. To confirm its identity the virus has been partly sequenced.
Live Gannoruwa Bat Lyssavirus in tissue culture supernatant. This Lyssavirus [GBLV-RV3267] is preserved under viral storage medium (-80oC). Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were not performed.
Live Lleida Bat Lyssavirus in tissue culture supernatant. This Lyssavirus [LLEBV-RV3208] is preserved under viral storage medium (-80oC). Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were not performed.
Live Bokeloh Bat Lyssavirus in tissue culture supernatant. This Lyssavirus[BBLV-RV2507] is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C.Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were not performed.