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13 products displayed

Ref-SKU Type Product Description ICTV Taxonomy Virus name Strain Product Grading Availability Product Risk Group Provider Cost per Access (Academics) More info Add to Cart
001v-EVA139 Virus Wesselsbron virus, strain UVE/WESSV/UNK/ZA/SAH-177 99871-2 Freeze-dried Wesselsbron virus, strain UVE/WESSV/UNK/ZA/SAH-177 99871-2, South Africa, complete ORF sequence. Wesselsbron virus Wesselsbron virus UVE/WESSV/UNK/ZA/SAH-177 99871-2 Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-02468 Virus Semliki Forest virus, strain UVE/SFV/UNK/XX/1745 Freeze dried Semliki Forest virus, strain UVE/SFV/UNK/XX/1745UVE/SFV/UNK/XX/1745, partial sequence Semliki Forest virus Semliki forest virus UVE/SFV/UNK/XX/1745 Silver In stock RG3 AMU 600€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA136 Virus Turkish sheep encephalomyelitis virus strain UVE/TSEV/UNK/TR/TTE80 Freeze-dried Turkish sheep encephalomyelitis virus strain UVE/TSEV/UNK/TR/TTE80, Turkey, complete ORF sequence. Tick-borne encephalitis virus Turkish sheep encephalitis virus UVE/TSEV/UNK/TR/TTE80 Gold In stock RG2 AMU 500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA106 Virus Ilheus virus, strain UVE/ILHV/UNK/PE/PE 20545 Freeze dried Ilheus virus, strain UVE/ILHV/UNK/PE/PE 20545, complete ORF sequenced. Ilheus virus Ilheus virus UVE/ILHV/UNK/PE/PE 20545 Gold In stock RG2 AMU 500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA79 Virus Iguape virus, strain UVE/IGUV/UNK/XX/SPAn 71686 Freeze dried Iguape virus, strain UVE/IGUV/UNK/XX/SPAn 71686, complete ORF sequenced. Aroa virus Iguape virus UVE/IGUV/UNK/XX/SPAn 71686 Gold In stock RG2 AMU 500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA1459 Virus Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis virus, strain UVE/VEEV/UNK/XX/TC83 vaccine Freeze-dried Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis virus, strain UVE/VEEV/UNK/XX/TC83 vaccine, complete genome. Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus UVE/VEEV/UNK/XX/TC83 vaccine Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-02463 Virus Uukuniemi Virus strain UVE/UUKV/UNK/XX/TC259 Freeze-dried Uukuniemi virus, strain UVE/UUKV/UNK/XX/TC259, partial sequence. Uukuniemi uukuvirus Uukuniemi virus UVE/UUKV/UNK/XX/TC259 Silver In stock RG2 AMU 400€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA130 Virus Sepik virus strain UVE/SEPV/UNK/XX/7148 Freeze-dried Sepik virus strain UVE/SEPV/UNK/XX/7148, complete ORF sequence. Sepik virus Sepik virus UVE/SEPV/UNK/XX/7148 Platinum In stock RG2 AMU 500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-02988 Virus Pirital virus, strain UVE/PIRV/UNK/VE/VAV488 Freeze-dried Pirital virus, strain UVE/PIRV/UNK/VE/VAV488, Venezuela, partial sequence Pirital mammarenavirus Pirital virus UVE/PIRV/UNK/VE/VAV488 Silver In stock RG2 AMU 325€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA1049 Virus Mammalian Orthoreovirus 2, strain D5 (Jones) Freeze-dried Mammalian orthoreovirus 2, strain D5 (Jones), partial sequence. Mammalian orthoreovirus Mammalian orthoreovirus 2 D5 (Jones) Silver In stock RG2 AMU 325€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA108 Virus Japanese encephalitis virus, strain UVE/JEV/UNK/XX/UNK Japanese encephalitis virus, strain UVE/JEV/UNK/XX/UNK, complete ORF sequence Japanese encephalitis virus Japanese encephalitis virus UVE/JEV/UNK/XX/UNK Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-02828 Virus Barmah Forest virus, strain UVE/BFV/UNK/XX Freeze-dried Barmah Forest virus, strain UVE/BFV/UNK/XX, partial sequence Barmah Forest virus Barmah Forest virus UNK Silver In stock RG2 AMU 375€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA1050 Virus Mammalian Orthoreovirus 3, strain Dearing 824-VR Freeze-dried Mammalian orthoreovirus 3, strain Dearing 824-VR, partial sequence. Mammalian orthoreovirus Mammalian orthoreovirus 3 Dearing 824-VR Silver In stock RG2 AMU 325€ View all details on this product . . .
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