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230 products displayed

Ref-SKU Type Product Description ICTV Taxonomy Virus name Strain Isolate Product Grading Availability Product Risk Group Provider Cost per Access (Academics) More info Add to Cart
007N-05801 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10F-M46I-I54V-A71V-V82A-L90M
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05768 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10I-L24I-M36V-M46I-L63P
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05808 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10I-L24I-M36V-M46I-I54V-L63P
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05775 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10I-M46I-I54V-L63P-A71V-I84V
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05782 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL63P-I84V
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05776 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prM46I-I54V-L63P-A71V-I84V-L90M
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05783 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10F-M36V-M46I-I54V-A71V-V82A
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05791 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prI54V
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05805 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10I-M36V-M46I-I54V-A71V-V82A
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05772 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prI84A
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05779 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10I-M36V-L63P-A71V-V82A-L90M
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05765 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; most of chromosomal flank DNA removed Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05766 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10F-M46I-I54V-A71V-V82A full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05809 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10I-L24I-M36V-M46I-L63P-I84V
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05810 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10I-L24I-M36V-M46I-L63P-V82A
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05807 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10I-L24I-M36V-M46I-L63P-G73S
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05804 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10I-M46I-I54V-L63P-A71V-V82A
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05800 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prI84V
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05799 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prG73S
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05793 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10F
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05792 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prM46I
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05767 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10I-M46I-I54V-A71V-V82A
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05771 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10I-L63P-A71V-V82A-L90M
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05786 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10I-L24I-M36V-M46I-L63P-V82A
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
007N-05778 Nucleic Acid HIV-1 pNL-BX_prL10I-G48V-L63P-A71V-V82A-L90M
Antiviral resistant strain, Reference Strain
full length plasmid clone of proviral HIV-1; construct produces fully infectious HIV-1 upon transfection into eukaryotic cells; based on NL-BX Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype B derivative of HIV-1 NL4-3 Gold In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available

















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