- Tagged as
- - Diagnostic reagent
- - Derived product
- - Antibody or Hybridoma
- - Antibody
Produced by
: CSIRO Shipping From
: Clayton - AU
Product Description
024A-04021 Rabbit anti-African swine fever virus p72 polyclonal serum (#282)
Product Risk Group:
Information on the related virus
ICTV Taxonomy:
Virus name:
Product type:
Targeted antigen:
Antibody type:
Production system:
Rabbits were immunized with recombinant, IMAC-purified, ASFV p72 protein. Serum was collected and filtered to 0.22um and stored in 1 mL aliquots at -80C.
Antibody characterization method(s):
Western Blot
Information on characterization:
SDS PAGE, immunoblot
Virus host type:
Shipping conditions:
IATA Classification: